Recycling Information

Recycling Information:


The York County Solid Waste Authority will hold a FREE Christmas Tree Recycling Program for all York County residents. Beginning December 26, 2024, residents may bring their tree to the parking lot directly across the street from the York County Resource Recovery Center in Manchester Township located at 2651 Blackbridge Rd. Residents must remove any ornaments, lights, tinsel and protective bags prior to dropping their tree off. H & H General Excavating will recycle the trees into mulch. This program is a great way for residents to easily manage their Christmas tree while reducing waste. The Christmas Tree Recycling Program runs through January 31, 2025. This is the 37th year YCSWA has offered the program.

Many municipalities now offer curbside Christmas tree collection for their residents, as well. Residents should call their municipal office to see if their municipality offers a curbside collection program.

YCSWA facilitates responsible solid waste management through an integrated strategy that emphasizes waste reduction, education, recycling and resource recovery. YCSWA is the owner of the York County Resource Recovery Center, a Small Load Drop Off Facility, a Recyclable Materials Drop-off Center, an Ash Recycling & Processing Facility, an Education Center, and the closed York County Sanitary Landfill which hosts the Hopewell Area Recreational Complex. Click here to visit YCSWA’s webpage dedicated to the Christmas Tree Recycling Program.

Directions to the parking lot across from the York County Resource Recovery Center: 

From I-83: Proceed on I-83 to Exit 21.  As you come off the exit ramp, get immediately into the far left turning lane and proceed to stoplight at intersection of Toronita Street and Rt. 30E (you will see the “Round the Clock Diner” at this intersection).

At the stoplight, turn left onto Toronita Street (Toronita turns into Blackbridge Road).  Proceed approximately 1 1/2 miles and follow signs to Christmas Tree Recycling drop-off.

From Rt. 30: At the stoplight at the intersection of Toronita Street and Rt. 30 (you will see the “Round the Clock Diner” at this intersection), turn north onto Toronita Street (Toronita turns into Blackbridge Road).  Proceed approximately 1 1/2 miles and follow signs to Christmas Tree Recycling drop-off.



For pickup of Bulk Items through Republic Services, please call Republic Services at the number listed on your bill or utilize their online app to request service.


Electronics Recycling-Goodwill Keystone Area and Reworld



The Fairview Township Electronic Recycling Center is located at 285 Spangler’s Mill Road, New Cumberland, PA 17070 is open to all York County residents.

Spring/Summer hours begin April 4th through October 29th, Monday-Saturday, 8AM to 4:30 PM Fall/Winter hours are October 30th through April 3rd, Monday-Friday, 9AM to Noon and the 1st and 3rd Saturday 9AM to Noon.

They will accept anything except items that have water included such as air conditioners, dehumidifiers, freezers or refrigerators. For questions, please call the Fairview Township Recycling Center at (717) 901-5261.


Franklin Township Residents can take recycling items to the Latimore Township Building in York Springs    

Open Saturdays 10 a.m. – 12 Noon

(See below/bottom of page for list of items accepted).


See below for link to York County Solid Waste Authority website:


Republic Services and YCSWA are having problems with truck fires and fires at their recycling and disposal sites. Please watch video to learn how to properly dispose of batteries.



The York County Solid Waste Authority (YCSWA) is hosting two FREE Residential Household Waste events. The dates will be the first Saturday in May (5/3), our usual annual collection date, and the second Saturday in October (10/11).  Both events are free to York County residents (no businesses/institutions), and both will require pre-registration which will open approximately two months before the event.  Please visit our website here for more information:


MedReturn Medication Take Back Box Locations



All items collected directly benefit the Adams County Mission.
The Following Items are Accepted:
  • Aluminum Cans and Steel Cans – only aluminum cans and steel cans (labels can stay on).
  • Bi-Metal Cans – labels may be left on, please rinse.
  • Cardboard – corrugated cardboard and paperboard (such as cereal boxes).
  • Catalogs and Telephone Book – catalogs/telephone books.
  • Newspapers – including inserts (no magazines).
  • Office Type Paper – white notebook paper, copy paper (any color), stationery, church bulletins, office paper, computer paper (remove all staples, paper clips, plastic windows on envelopes, and glossy paper). If shredded, it MUST be in a bag.
  • Clothing and Textiles – please bag or box useable clothing separately. Label unusable items and rags as textiles
  • Plastic – soda bottles, gallon milk or water jugs, detergent bottles and other number one and two plastics (check for a triangle on bottom with a #1 or #2 within the triangle – if it’s not the correct number, we cannot accept it – sorry!)

Please Remember the Following:

  1. Only listed items can be accepted.
  2. Please rinse all cans, containers, etc. for everyone’s health and sanitation!
  3. We need volunteers to help one morning a month – join the team!